Monday, February 16, 2015

SpeedyFox and Vivaldi browser

I use the freeware tool SpeedyFox from CRYSTALIDEA Software to keep my Firefox and Chrome/Chromium browser databases optimized.

Here is a link to SpeedyFox Portable hosted at PortableApps that I actually use.

So I was think-ing.

  1. SpeedyFox supports Chrome/Chromium browsers.
  2. The new Vivaldi browser I’m watching in development is based on Chromium.
  3. SpeedyFox doesn’t explicitly say they support Vivaldi, yet, but…
  4. SpeedyFox does support Chrome/Chromium based browsers.
  5. Vivaldi is based on Chromium.
  6. What happens if I just point SpeedyFox to the data profile store of my Vivaldi installation?

This happens.

  1. SpeedyFox recognizes the data store as “Chrome”, and
  2. It optimizes it with no fuss.


--Claus V.

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